Free Sunday Classic Movie: “Private Buckaroo (1942)”

Private Buckaroo (1942)
Andrew Sisters, Dick Foran, Harry James, Shemp Howard, Joe E. Lewis
A Universal Army enlistment promotion, produced as a musical showcase for Harry James, the Andrews Sisters, Joe E. Lewis, and Donald O’Connor & Peggy Ryan. The film’s thin plot has James drafted, and joining him is the band’s lead vocalist Lon Prentice (Dick Foran), who doesn’t believe that Army training and regulations are necessary for anyone of his skill and fame. Shemp Howard steals the film whenever James and the Andrews aren’t performing. As Sgt. Snavely, he’s effectively teamed with Mary Wickes as his shrewish fiancée, trying desperately to keep her away from the attentions of nightclub comic and USO performer Lancelot Pringle McBiff (Joe E. Lewis). Shemp also has the opportunity to clown onstage with the Andrews Sisters during a musical finale, as they perform Don’t Sit Under the Appletree. Arguably, Shemp’s best solo feature film credit.         1 hour 8 Minutes
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