Zumbrota Has Style!

A fund raiser for the Zumbrota State Theatre – sponsored by LUYA, Phenomenal Woman and Wild Ginger Boutique
Fun, Fashion and so much more………………..
Fashion is hot in Zumbrota as Wild Ginger, Luya Shoes and Phenomenal Woman strut their stuff! The festivities include “The Hot Flashes” a musical group under the direction of Dave Zahn- they will share their love of music and zest for fun!

Plenty of time before and after the show to shop downtown Zumbrota!


A little about the hot flashes:
The group generally numbers around 18-20 members who bring various levels of musical experience to the mix, from singing in the shower to singing in church. High school band instruments have found their way out of attics and closets and are now back in service when this group performs. The singers have now expanded their song list to include tunes from the early ‘30’s and into the 21st Century. With the instrumental accompaniment and enthusiasm of musical director Dave Zahn, the “Hot Flashes” share their joy of making music with one another and with their audiences

Poster download