Tonic Sol Fa

Don’t miss this opportunity to see Tonic Sol-fa in concert, Friday, May 19, 7 PM at the Zumbrota State Theatre. Tickets are $20.00 in advance and $22.00 at the door: Tickets

Tonic Sol-fa has established itself not only as the most in-demand vocal group in the Midwest, but also one of the most successful independent acts in America. The group has toured extensively throughout the US and abroad, building their financial base with a steady list of festivals and private shows that eventually led to numerous sold-out tours of theaters and small arenas.

Tonic Sol-fa began at St. John’s University in Central Minnesota and includes lead vocalist Shaun Johnson, tenor and vocal percussionist, Greg Bannwarth, and bass, Jared Dove. Together the group reached national prominence. From the group’s onset, the members have overseen and operated the business of Tonic Sol-fa with a only a small team of driven supporters acting as managers, lawyers, and publicists, and increased revenue from a few thousand dollars in their first year to a multi-million dollar limited liability company today. One could say they gained their current consumer popularity the old fashioned way; they earned it.


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